"Creative learning at its best" 
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This week we welcomed back the staff and students from Our Lady St Kenelms for a brief but exciting couple of days! The theme for the week was ‘Resilience’ were the students with the students creating in Art, Drama, Dance, Music and Film , each interpreting the theme in different ways. During their stay, the group also took a trip to Ingestres’s St Marys church which just so happens to be the only church outside of London to be designed by Sir Christopher Wren. Whilst at the church the students serenaded the Stands with hymns, bell ringings and readings as well as learning all about the history of the building and its involvement as part of the Ingestre estate. 
With such a strong theme for the week it was extremely interesting to see how each group experimented and developed within their respective art forms. 
Richard and his actors told the resilient story of JK Rowling and her grinding process of writing and publishing Harry Potter. The story explores the pressures of being a single mother living on the poverty line whilst trying to pursue her dreams rather than get a ‘normal job’. The group handled what is a very mature topic extremely well, creating a performance that was memorable and topical at the same time. The students should all be very very happy with what they achieved! 
Tara and her dancers explored the resilience and perseverance shown by the life of the late Helen Keller. Keller, was the very first blind and deaf person to achieve an undergraduate degree. Through shear resilience she was able to invent her own ways to communicate and collaborate with people. The determination she showed through- out her life was just one factor the dancers played on whilst working on their choreography. 
Lee and his film makers decided to expresses their resilience in a sightly different way . The group made four separate films each telling different stories. Film making, unlike the other art forms, is typically a much longer process due to having to plan, film then edit rather than perform. The result of this process was that the group learnt that they had to be resilient whilst creating their film. It is safe to say, that by the end of the week, there was a great sense of self discovery as well a cracking bunch of films. The students learnt how to script, film, direct as well as working on all aspects of crew work from ‘running’ to sound engineering. 
John worked with the musicians this week to create two stellar songs that had been recorded just in the nick of time for the musicians final performance. During the week the students learnt how to write, record, edit and perform their tracks. The attitude that each student had towards to the creative process was exemplarily. 
Heather and her artists worked on a range of different pieces. Using brusho, paint, card and a heap of other materials the groups final exhibition on Thursday was absolutely stupendous. Not only did the students create all of their own work, but they really took onboard the processes they undertook and expressed so eloquently during their final exhibition.  
All in all, it was an action packed week that we all really enjoyed! The students and visiting staff should all be extremely proud of what they achieved and should go forward and pursue the talents that they may have discovered here at Ingestre! Thank-you !! 
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