
Drama at Ingestre Hall focuses on devised work and performance skills. Work on the chosen theme is developed through a series of task-based workshops using various stimuli to generate material. Short scenes or sketches are created in small groups, and work is then shown back to the drama group where it is peer-reviewed, edited and improved. The chosen theme is very much seen as a starting point for the work, and students develop this theme as the work progresses.

Drama at Ingestre is not informed by one particular genre of theatre, but incorporates many approaches including Naturalism, Brechtian Theatre, Physical Theatre, and Theatre of the Absurd. Due to the stunning work environment at Ingestre Hall, it is possible to create highly engaging, immersive, promenade and site specific performances in the style of theatre companies such as Punchdrunk. This style of work not only engages the theatre makers during the process of building the performance, but also puts the audience at the centre of the action allowing them to experience and explore the world of the performance, rather than passively observing.

Through participating in Drama workshops at Ingestre, students develop performance, improvisation and storytelling skills, which enhances their confidence, initiative and ability to empathise.

Drama allows students to explore a number of situations within a controlled, safe environment.

The intense experience of a Drama course at Ingestre provides students with an opportunity to realise their potential, and provide them will a skills base to generate new material long after their visit has ended.